What is needed to teach in the UK?

Qualifications required to teach in the UK
Even though you are a qualified teacher, you are probably unsure of what experience and qualifications are needed to teach in the UK, due to the requirements completely differing from country to country. However, we are here to provide you with all the vital information you need before you submit your applications!
To be eligible to teach in the UK, you will need to of gained either a qualified teacher status (QTS), have a Bachelor of Education or have a combination of BSC/BA with a QTS. If you are in receipt of a degree that you earned in your home country, that is the equivalent to a UK Bachelor degree.
If you have gained acknowledgement as a teacher in Scotland or Northern Ireland, you will be eligible to apply for a QTS in England. However, if you are an overseas teacher who qualified in Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the USA, you must apply for the QTS award to be recognised as a qualified teacher in the UK. You can apply for this award through the government website.
UK Visa
If you are from outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), you are required to have a valid working visa. Take a look at what type of visa you need. The most common visa’s that are needed to work in the UK are Tier 2 or Tier 5 Sponsorship (Youth Mobility). Be aware that the application process can take some time, therefore you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
A Disclosure Barring Service otherwise known as a (DBS) check is a vital document that you will need to present to employers. It provides a safeguarding check that recognises any criminal record you may have, checking your identity and clarifies that you are suitable for the job role. Additionally, police checks may be necessary from your home country, evidence of a place that you have lived for 6 months or more within the past 5 years.
We hope this has given you all the information you need to apply for a teaching job in London, please leave a comment below if you would like any further information.